Chebedajha (fem*noise, Enschede) – experimental electronics
Niki Matita (fem*noise, Berlin) – experimental (&) noise
Shannon Soundquist (fem*noise, flimmergrenze, 1pp1, zecktek, Dresden) – ambient-noise
voidulie (Prague) - industrial / post - hyperpop
Srdečně zveme na akci, kterou společně kurátorují německý kolektiv fem*noise a Synth Library Prague. Skupina tvůrčích osobností experimentální elektronické hudby, která sdílí feministický přístup k organizování i k hudební a zvukové tvorbě, se setká v Berlíně a v Praze, aby sdílela své znalosti a zkušenosti, věnovala se zvukové tvorbě a společně utvářela dočasný prostor pro tvůrčí osobnosti FLINTA (ženy, lesby, intersex, nebinární,trans a agender). Berlínský koncert se uskuteční 15. 1. v klubu Ausland, pražský 17. 1. v klubu Punctum.
The evening is curated by the fem*noise network and Synth Library Prague, showcasing the outcome of a self-organized exchange between musicians who share a feminist approach to creating noise. Over six days spent in Berlin and Prague, the collaboration fosters a temporary space for FLINTA performers to share experiences and perform together. The public event in Berlin will take place at Ausland on 15 January, followed by the event in Prague at Punctum on 17 January.
WHERE: Punctum - Krásovka
WHEN: Doors 19:00 Concerts 19:15
ENTRY: Tickets only at the door
150 - 400 CZK recommended
(In)Accessibility situation: The club is situated in the yard with one step from the street to the yard and a few more steps from the yard to the club door. Contact us for assistance. No strobe lights will be used during the event. We kindly ask everyone to respect the curfew after 10 pm. The event will end shortly before 10 pm.
Chedebajha (Enschede)
Drifting off while in the moment, Chebedajha creates raw collages of analogue and digital electronic sounds, harsh, intense modulated noise, embracing the unexpected with a situationist attitude, amplifying and celebrating so-called errors. Operating around intense states of anxiety and pleasure, discomfort and relief, the experimental sound of Chebedajha aims for increased levels of perception and sensitivity to become part of the collective everyday.
Shannon Soundquist
As a sound artist Shannon Soundquist performs conceptual ambient live-sets which are cinematic, dark, noisy, non-tonal and body-related. In her sound design she includes several representations of the body like breath and voice together with poetic texts. Her research question in the field of sound is: How can I morph body-sound and words into abstract electronic sound and back? How does it feel at the margin of meaning and understandability? What does it have to do with my analogue gear?
Niki Matita (FRB/ KOFFERradio, Berlin)
Radio_sound artist, curator, writer, presenter, record-entertainer & visual artist. In the 2000s, she was the artistic director of the club ‘Zentrale Randlage’, a platform for experimental music and culture in Berlin. As member of female:pressure she initiated the FACTS survey on gender relations at (electronic) music festivals. Her radioart pieces are broadcast worldwide, e.g. Český Rozhlas, Radiophrenia Glasgow, Soundart Radio, Sistersakousmaticas, Walking Sound. ‘La Passante Ecoutante’ is her current show. In 2024 she co-curated NNOI Festival for 12,756 tone music.
voidulie (Prague)
DIY bedroom producer from the Czech Republic who makes industrial music influenced by hyperpop. Thematically, her music is inspired by the many crises of the modern world, such as the climate crisis or the rise of far-right politics, as well as her experience of being trans in a world that still doesn't fully respect those who are not cis. On her first full-length album, voidulie responded to the trend of transphobes and other bigots disguising their hatred as vague "concerns" by sharing some concerns of her own. The project explores ecological and societal collapse, war, the need for queer self-respect and community, and the consequences of always reducing complex issues to "the truth is somewhere in the middle."
Synth Library Prague is a community dedicated to sharing, creating, discussing, experimenting, learning, and unlearning—extending beyond the realm of electronic music. It is a haven filled with instruments, books, and countless sources of sound and inspiration, managed by artists and curators. Together, they aim to cultivate collaboration, mutual support, and respectful listening, while reflecting on context, rebuilding modular structures, and fostering a welcoming environment to test new instruments, ideas, and ways of living and organizing. The Synth Library operates thanks to the dedication of volunteers and the generosity of donations.
fem*noise is a network of feminist FLINTA musicians and visual artists navigating the experimental music scenes in Berlin and beyond. Founded in 2023, the group exists both in the digital realm and through live events and gatherings, creating spaces to reflect on shared experiences as feminist practitioners.
Vyzýváme všechny k zamyšlení nad strukturami moci a stereotypy, které nás ovlivňují nejen v oblasti hudby a hudebních technologií. Buďme ohleduplné*í, tvořme a bavme se s respektem.
We encourage everyone to think about how the systems of power and stereotypes affect us not only in the field of music and music technology with us. Let’s be considerate and respectful.
Děkujeme klubu Punctum za možnost pořádat akci v tomto výjimečném prostoru a za jejich energii, se kterou podporují nejen mezinárodní alternativní hudební scénu.
Many thanks to the Punctum team for the opportunity to use this exceptional space again. Thanks for all the energy they put into supporting not only the international alternative music scene.
Punctum is a community project residing in Prague's Žižkov district. A home base for various creative and educational activities. Its purpose is to connect people from different subcultures and backgrounds in order to create new impulses for collaboration and communication. We work with non-profit organisations, students and other individuals that support the local alternative scene. The output being concerts, workshops, discussions, theatre performances, author's readings and yoga classes.