NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE: Our Right To Reject Zionism
NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE: Our Right To Reject Zionism

Join us for a talk in Prague where IJAN co-founder Sara Kershnar will share IJAN’s understanding of the roots of Zionism and therefore our commitment to expose and dismantle it.

She will also speak on the history, goals and mandate of Jewish anti-Zionist organizing, including uncompromising solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement.

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network is an international organization of Jewish people committed to human emancipation of which the liberation of Palestine is central.

We aim to divert Jewish history and political participation from Zionism to paths of collective liberation. Our campaigns expose and aim to combat Zionist repression and the role Israel’s plays in arming authoritarian regimes across the globe against their own people and liberation movements.

IJAN rejects the misuse of the history of antisemitism to justify Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, racist targeting of Palestinian activists in diaspora, and crimes against humanity in Lebanon and the broader region.

We stand in our own history of resistance to fascism when we say, Never Again must mean never again for anyone, or it means nothing at all.

Event by Sdružení přátelé Palestiny

2 months ago
Novotného lávka 5
Novotného lávka 5 (next to Karlovy lázně)
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