Promítání filmu o účastnících antifašistických a anarchistických skupin během protiputinovských protestů v letech 2011-2012.
Film je pohledem do zákulisí bezohledné totalitní společnosti a svědectví o několika málo odvážlivcích, kteří se jí postavili. Projekt je zamýšlen jako pokorné zamyšlení nad přednostmi a nedostatky současné vlny celosvětových protestů v naději, že tento příběh může inspirovat a pomoci všem, kteří to myslí upřímně." Natočeno kompletně na místě v Moskvě v Rusku v roce 2012.
Na památku moskevského anarchisty Dmitrije Petrova, jednoho z protagonistů filmu, který zemřel v bojích proti ruské invazi na Ukrajinu.
Režie, střih a koprodukce: Ikiru 2014.
Po skončení filmu proběhne také diskuse s Dmitriovými přáteli a kamarády.
Peníze vybrané během akce budou věnovány Dmitrijově rodině.
Délka filmu - 110 min. Jazyk - ruština s anglickými titulky
Diskuse po promítání bude probíhat v angličtině
We will screen the movie about participants of anti-fascist and anarchist groups during the anti-Putin protests of 2011-2012.
One of the participants of the movie – Dmitry Petrov, also known as Ilya Leshy, Dima the Ecologist, Phil Kuznetsov, Seva and Lev – an anarchist and anti-fascist, environmental activist, author and compiler of a number of books and articles, researcher of the Russian North and Kurdistan.
In 2018 Dmitry left Russia to participate in the struggle for a free society in Kurdistan, Ukraine and around the world. In the spring of 2023, his letter was published: „As an anarchist, a revolutionary and a Russian person… I did it for the sake of justice, the defense of Ukrainian society and – the liberation of my country, Russia, from oppression. For the sake of all the people who are deprived of dignity and the opportunity to breathe freely by the vile totalitarian system created in Russia and Belarus.“ In April, Petrov’s comrades and relatives learned that he had gone missing near Bakhmut. The movie shows episodes of his activist period in Russia.
About a film: "Applying the principle of "a picture is worth a thousand words," the verité film features no commentary, explanation or introduction, just a raw slice of unembellished Russian reality. It's a glimpse behind the scenes of a cut-throat, totalitarian society and a testament to the brazen few who stand up against it. The project is intended as a humble reflection on the strengths and shortcomings of the contemporary wave of worldwide protests, in the hope that its story can inspire and assist all those who are sincere in their goals." Filmed entirely on location in Moscow, Russia in 2012
Directed, edited and co-produced by Ikiru 2014.
After the movie there will be a discussion with Dmitriys friends and comrades as well.
Money collected during the event will go to the Dmitry’s family.
Language of event – English
Film length – 110 min. Language – Russian with ENG sub